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HTH官网:双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第106期:银河巨型计算机

发布时间:2024-11-25 14:44:02 丨 浏览次数:539

本文摘要:The Yinhe Supercomputer“银河”巨型计算机On November 21, 1981, “Yinhe I”supercomputer, with a performance of 100 million Flops, was successfully developed by National University of Defense Technology and got by state verification in Changsha. Yinhe I was at that time the fastest and most powerful computer. Its birth filled in the gap in domestic supercomputer research and marked China entering the rank of international research of supercomputer. China had become the third country in the world which could develop large-scale computer after the US and Japan.1983年11月21日,由中国人民解放军国防科技大学研制成功的中国第 一台亿次巨型计算机——“银河-I”计算机在长沙通过国家检验。

The Yinhe Supercomputer“银河”巨型计算机On November 21, 1981, “Yinhe I”supercomputer, with a performance of 100 million Flops, was successfully developed by National University of Defense Technology and got by state verification in Changsha. Yinhe I was at that time the fastest and most powerful computer. Its birth filled in the gap in domestic supercomputer research and marked China entering the rank of international research of supercomputer. China had become the third country in the world which could develop large-scale computer after the US and Japan.1983年11月21日,由中国人民解放军国防科技大学研制成功的中国第 一台亿次巨型计算机——“银河-I”计算机在长沙通过国家检验。“银河-I”巨型计算机是当时运营速度最慢、功能最弱的计算机,它的问世,空缺了国内巨型计算机研制的空白,标志着我国转入世界巨型计算机研制的行列。

我国沦为时隔美国和日本之后第三个能研制巨型机的国家。It was then used in the detection of oil and coal mines. Besides, it was also used for the satellite route analysis. At that time, only a few developed c:ountnes could develop supercomputer. The success of Yinhe brought Chinese computer industry into a very fast development. After Yinhe one , the Yinhe Two and Yinhe Three came out in 1992 and 1993 respectively.“银河-I”计算机迅速被用作石油和煤炭勘测,此外,也用在卫星运营路线的分析。在当时,只有少数几个发达国家掌控这项技术。

此后,中国在巨型计算机研究领域不断进步,先后又两次获得重大突破:国防科技大学研制成功的“银河.Ⅱ”十亿次和“银河一Ⅲ”百亿次巨型计算机,分别于1992年和1997年通过国家检验。In 1997, the large-scale computer “Galaxy-III”that could calculate 13 billion times in one second was developed in the University of National Defense Science and Technology. Galaxy series largescale computers developed by the University of National Defense Science and Technology have displayed its prowess fully in the weather forecasting, which not only enabled our country to rank among few countries that could make mid-term numerical weather forecast, but also remarkably improved the capability of forecasting serious natural calamities and yield enormous economic and social efficiencies.1997,由国防科技大学计算机研究所研制的“银河一Ⅲ”百亿次巨型计算机系统,在北京通过了国家技术鉴定。




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