HTH官网-iPhone销量强劲 苹果财报超预期
本文摘要:Apple turned in another quarter of enviable revenue and profit growth, fueled by sales of the iPhone, but more muted times may lie ahead.在iPhone销量的协助下,苹果再度交还令人羡慕的营收和利润成绩。Apple turned in another quarter of enviable revenue and profit growth, fueled by sales of the iPhone, but more muted times may lie ahead.在iPhone销量的协助下,苹果再度交还令人羡慕的营收和利润成绩。但该公司未来的业绩可能会比较逊色。The company, the world’s most valuable, on Tuesday posted a profit of $11.1 billion for its fiscal fourth quarter, up 31 percent from a year ago. Revenue was $51.5 billion, up 22 percent from last year. The results exceeded Wall Street estimates compiled by Bloomberg for earnings of $1.88 a share and $51 billion in revenue.作为全世界市值最低的公司,苹果周二发布,第四财务季度利润111亿美元,同比下跌31%。营收515亿美元,同比增加22%。
While the performance was bolstered by sales of the iPhone — the company said that it sold 48 million iPhones in the quarter, up from 39 million in the same period last year — Apple was more cautious about sales in the coming few months during the key holiday sales period.苹果称该季度售出了4800万部iPhone,与去年同期的3900万部比起有所增加。尽管iPhone的销量承托了业绩展现出,但接下来几个月将转入关键的假日销售期,苹果对这期间的销售数据更加慎重。For its fiscal first quarter, Apple said revenue would be $75.5 billion to $77.5 billion. That would be up from $74.6 billion a year earlier, but below Wall Street estimates of $77 billion at the low end.在第一财季,苹果称之为营收将在755亿到775亿美元。这个数字和一年前的746亿美元比起有所增加,但仍高于华尔街预测的770亿美元上限。
The forecast follows a busy period of new product introductions for Apple. In late September, Apple introduced its newest iPhone models, the 6s and 6s Plus. It also announced a larger iPad, the iPad Pro, and will begin shipping a new Apple TV this week.预测数据揭晓前的一段时间,苹果频密发售新产品。9月末,苹果发售了最新款的iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus。此外,苹果还公布了一款屏幕更大的iPad型号iPad Pro。
本周,新款Apple TV也将开始销售。“We are heading into the holidays with our strongest product lineup yet,” Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said in a statement.“我们于是以以史上最弱的产品阵容转入假日季,”苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(Timothy D. Cook)在一份声明中说道。The outlook may fuel investor questions. In the weeks leading up to Tuesday’s earnings announcement, analysts had expressed concern that the iPhone 6, which came out last year, had set such a high bar for sales that customers would not upgrade to the newest models at a rate fast enough to generate significant growth.这样的前景可能会引起投资者的疑惑。
在周二发布收益之前的几周,分析人士回应了忧虑,指出去年发售的iPhone 6销量太高,消费者升级至最新款iPhone的速度会太快,无法带给明显的快速增长。“With the battle on in the high-end smartphone market, Apple needs to prove it still has fuel in the tank with 6s and needs to show a strong growth trajectory heading into holiday season,” Daniel Ives, an analyst at FBR Capital Markets, said in an interview.“在高端智能手机市场上战火熊熊之际,苹果必须用6s证明自己的油箱里还有燃料,必须指出强大的快速增长可以沿袭到假日季,”FBR资本市场公司(FBR Capital Markets)分析师丹尼尔·艾夫斯(Daniel Ives)在拒绝接受专访时说。The region that Apple calls Greater China remained the company’s second-largest market after the Americas, accounting for 24 percent of sales in the quarter, compared with 13.7 percent a year ago. Investors are scrutinizing the China business given that the country has been cutting interest rates to shore up a slowing economy.被苹果称为大中华区的地区,仍是其次于美洲的第二大市场,贡献了24%的销量,而一年前这个比例是13.7%。
考虑到中国仍然在通过降息来承托日益上升的经济,投资者对中国市场的展现出极为注目。Apple said that iPad sales fell 20 percent from a year ago, making it the seventh consecutive quarter that sales of the tablet have declined. The company is increasingly positioning the iPad as a business device.苹果称之为,iPad销量与一年前比起上升了20%。这是其销量倒数第七个季度暴跌。
该公司于是以日益把iPad定位为商务设备。The company did not break out sales of the Apple Watch, which debuted in April. But the category within which the watch is grouped posted $3 billion in revenue in the quarter and Apple said the device helped fuel sales. .苹果公司并未发布4月问世的Apple Watch的销量。但该产品所属类别的营收是30亿美元,且苹果称之为Apple Watch协助造就了销售。Apple also said that it would pay investors a cash dividend of 52 cents a share. Over the last few years, Apple has taken advantage of low interest rates to borrow billions of dollars that it has redistributed to shareholders in the form of dividend payments and stock buybacks.苹果还回应将向投资者派发每股52美分的现金收益。